How to announce a price increase successfully (with examples)

Adjusting your pricing structure is often necessary to sustain growth and profitability, whether due to rising costs, product improvements, or shifting market conditions.

However, announcing a price increase can be daunting. You want to maintain customer trust and minimize any negative impact on your bottom line.

We’ll show you how to announce a price increase successfully by doing it in a clear, empathetic, and, above all, strategically sound way.

We’ll cover:

Let’s get started.

How to announce a price increase without upsetting your customers

Announcing a price increase doesn’t need to be an overly complex matter. Let’s explore some pro tips to make this process as frictionless as possible.

#1 - Let customers know in advance

Nobody likes surprises when it comes to spending. Imagine if your favorite coffee shop suddenly raised its prices without warning — you'd probably feel a bit annoyed, right? The same goes for your customers.

Giving your customers advance notice about a price change is essential to keeping their trust. Here's why:

How much notice should you give?

Ideally, aim for at least a month's notice. This provides enough time for customers to process the change and make adjustments if needed. The specific timeframe might depend on your billing cycle or the nature of your business.

#2 - Communicate directly

Think of a price increase announcement like handling any highly sensitive business matter — it's best addressed directly. The same principle applies to your SaaS users.

Here's how to communicate a price increase directly and effectively:

Why direct communication and clarity matter:

#3 - Explain why you’re increasing prices

As discussed, transparency is everything when announcing a price increase. Your customers deserve to understand the reasons behind the change — it'll make the news much easier to accept.

Here's how to explain the price increase while focusing on the benefits for your customers:

Clearly communicate how this change benefits them directly.

#4 - Be human and compassionate

While you need to remain professional, your message should not sound cold or robotic. Remember, you're communicating with real people who may be feeling the pinch of a price increase.

Here's how to add empathy and a personal touch:

#5 - Offer support

Change, even when justified, can bring about uncertainty. Show your customers you're there for them and ready to address any concerns they have. Here are a few tips to keep in mind:

Quick example:

"We understand that you may have questions regarding the price change. Please feel free to contact us at [email] or visit our FAQ page at [link to FAQ page]. We're always here to help."

This shows that their concerns matter, and you're committed to providing ongoing support.

Price increase letter templates and examples

The way you communicate a price increase significantly impacts how your customers receive the news. Below, you'll find adaptable templates for various scenarios, along with tips for tailoring them to different communication channels.

Template #1: Direct and informative

Dear [Customer Name],

We're writing to inform you that we'll be making adjustments to our pricing structure, effective [Date]. To maintain our high standards and continue providing exceptional value, the price of [Product/Service] will increase to [New Price].

We understand that any price change requires adjustment. Your current pricing will remain in effect until [Date]. For any questions or concerns, please reach out to us at [Support Email].

Thank you for your continued support.

[Your Company Name]

Template #2: Benefit-focused

Dear [Customer Name],

We're excited to continue growing our [Product/Service] offering and providing you with the best possible experience. To support these improvements, we'll be updating our pricing structure on [Date]. Your new monthly subscription will be [New Price].

Here's what you can expect with this change:

We're committed to continuous improvement and providing you with value that exceeds the price. Should you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us at [Support Email].

Thank you for your ongoing loyalty.

[Your Company Name]

Template #3: Offering options

Dear [Customer Name],

We're reaching out to inform you that the price of [Product/Service] will increase to [New Price], effective [Date]. We understand this change might impact your budget, and we want to help you make a smooth transition.

Here are a few options to consider:

We're always here to help! If you have any questions, feel free to contact us at [Support Email].

Thank you for being a valued customer.

[Your Company Name]

Don’t forget other channels

Remember, you can always adapt your templates to different channels:

Tips for handling customer feedback

Even with the best-crafted price increase announcement, it's natural to receive some negative feedback. Here’s how to handle this professionally:

Next steps

Now you're equipped with strategies and clear examples for successfully announcing and managing a price increase. But implementing these changes smoothly is where the real challenge often lies.

One of the biggest hurdles is adjusting your existing billing systems to reflect new pricing structures. Thankfully, there's a reliable and flexible billing platform that can do this for you — and much more.

Orb offers a complete suite of tools designed to simplify and optimize your price increase implementation. Here's how Orb supports your evolving pricing strategies: