Follow the Money

The CFB's robust disclosure and oversight requirements promote transparency and accountability in New York City elections. Track every dollar raised and spent by candidates and outside groups, learn what it means, and see who's complying with the rules.

Follow The Money

Follow the Money | NYC

New ways to view and share independent expenditure information in our revamped campaign finance data portal.

Campaign Finance Summary

See a broad overview of activity for an entire election cycle, and access detailed financial summaries for candidates and independent spenders too.

Independent Expenditures Portal

Learn more about the ad you just saw and about the outside group and the funders behind the ad.

Campaign Finance Reports

Find out who’s running for office, which political committees are registered, and view supplemental information about candidates’ fundraising, disclosure, and compliance.


CFB data visualizations help illuminate the role of money in NYC elections. Explore maps and charts, or download bulk data files to do your own research.


Every campaign is rigorously audited during and after the election to ensure candidates played by the rules and public dollars were properly spent. Review findings from the CFB’s post-election enforcement process.