How to design runtime generated PDF via HTML ?

Many times, we have faced the problem of saving a particular webpage or any online specific element that needs to save in the form of a PDF file while using the browser. In that case, either we have used the 3rd party extension or any app or tools to generate it into a PDF file. In this article, we will learn to design the runtime-generated pdf file via HTML .

Let’s understand all the 3 concepts one by one with the help of examples.

Table of Content

Print the specific element and save it as a PDF

We are going to generate a window and save this as a pdf during runtime. This is similar to the default printing features of the system. The steps are discussed below.

Example: In this example, we will use the html2pdf CDN link that will help to generate the pdf file.


Using jsPDF library

jsPDF is a JavaScript library that helps create PDF files in the browser. It’s used for easily generating PDF documents within web applications, providing functions for content creation and styling. In order to generate a pdf in runtime, we can use the jsPDF library. The steps are:

Example: In this example, we will see the basic use of the jsPDF library with an example.


Using html2pdf library

html2pdf is a JavaScript library that allows users to convert HTML content to PDF documents directly in the browser. It simplifies the process of generating PDFs from HTML elements without requiring server-side processing. The steps to generate a pdf file using the html2pdf library are:

Example: In this example, we will see the basic use of html2pdf library with an example.


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