My English Language

English Language Resources for EFL Students and Teachers

My English Language

Needs Analysis

Conducting a Needs Analysis in TEFL

Conducting a needs analysis is a great way to find out more about the needs of your students.

EFL teachers may find it useful to devise a needs analysis questionnaire, before designing a teaching programme, to make sure that their lessons address the students’ particular needs and individual learning styles.

Performing a needs analysis can be an excellent way for EFL teachers to find out more about their students and make devising lessons for them much easier in the long run.

Why perform a needs analysis?

It is always helpful to find out about students’ motivation, their prior learning experiences, the situations they are likely to use English in and which skills/language items they need to extra practice with.

Armed with this information, the teacher can select and create the most appropriate and useful learning materials and activities.

The needs analysis questionnaire

When creating a needs analysis questionnaire, it is best to use open question forms such as What…? Why…? How…? When… ? rather than closed questions which are likely to result in only ‘yes’ and ‘no’ answers.

It is also be a good idea to ask for a piece of English writing. The more students express themselves, the easier it is to deduce their capabilities and learning requirements.

What questions to ask in your needs analysis

A needs analysis questionnaire is often a good way of finding out about your students’ English language experience, their current level of English and their English language requirements.

For example, it is useful to know a little about their job, their company and their responsibilities at work.

If the student is not at work, you need to know where they use English, whether that is at university, at college, at home or socially.

You should include questions which allow you to get to know more about them and their interests, so you can make lessons more personally relevant and stimulating.

Example needs analysis questionnaire

Suggested questions for a needs analysis questionnaire: