Articles on Workplace bullying

July 15, 2024
All eyes on Labor as alleged corruption envelops CFMEU. Here are the government’s options
New allegations of corruption and misconduct in parts of the CFMEU have raised the question of whether unions are being properly regulated.

June 12, 2024
Three-quarters of Australian workers think now is a good time to change jobs. This is what managers can do better to keep them
Lack of engagement and high stress levels are placing a big financial toll on Australian businesses.

February 7, 2024
About a third of employees have faced bullying at work – here’s how to recognize and deal with it
Jason Walker, Adler University and Deborah Circo, University of Nebraska Omaha
You’d call the police if a stranger in public did what many bullies at work get away with. 2 researchers who study workplace violence describe the widespread phenomenon.

October 25, 2023
Workplace tensions: How and when bystanders can make a difference
Sandy Hershcovis, University of Calgary; Brianna Barker Caza, University of North Carolina – Greensboro; Ivana Vranjes, Tilburg University, and Zhanna Lyubykh, Simon Fraser University
The essence of bystander intervention is not just about stopping a negative act, but also about fostering an environment where respect, growth and collaboration thrive.

September 29, 2023
How to challenge toxic behaviour and help someone being bullied or harassed at work
Confronting a bully isn’t the only way to call out toxic behaviour at work.

May 3, 2023
How to find out if your company has a toxic culture and if it supports victims of workplace bullying
Companies can curb bullying bosses and support victims, but will yours?

April 28, 2023
When employers reward ‘ideal’ workers, gender equality suffers
Expecting workers to commit to long hours undermines gender equality in the workplace and the home.

April 21, 2023
Dominic Raab is right that the government has set a ‘dangerous precedent’ – but not for the reasons he thinks
Report found deputy PM to have been abrasive and intimidating to civil servants who have waited months for action to be taken.

March 27, 2023
Dominic Raab’s defence against bullying claims is that he is always ‘professional’ – but that doesn’t stack up
Laura Empson, City, University of London and Stefan Stern, City, University of London
The deputy prime minister insists he just has high expectations of his staff but that is not what ‘professionalism’ really means.

February 8, 2023
Dominic Raab claims are more akin to ‘abusive supervision’ than bullying
Kara Ng, University of Manchester
RIshi Sunak has said he won’t suspend the deputy prime minister while dozens of accusations about his conduct are investigated.

January 31, 2023
The ‘blue wall’ of silence allows bullying, sexual abuse and violence to infect police forces
A pervasive history of bullying and sexual misconduct plagues law enforcement agencies and illustrates the failure of police forces to police themselves.

January 13, 2023
Bullying, power and control: why people believe in conspiracy theories and how to respond
Daniel Jolley, University of Nottingham and Anthony Lantian, Université Paris Nanterre – Université Paris Lumières
Millions of British people believe in at least one conspiracy theory, but research shows how to tackle them.

December 15, 2022
Well, actually: Mansplaining is a problem in the workplace
People who experience mansplaining suffer lower organizational commitment and job satisfaction, and higher turnover intention, emotional exhaustion and psychological distress.

November 16, 2022
Parliament is not a normal workplace – anti-bullying policy must start with ethical leadership and accountability
Mike Webster, University of Auckland, Waipapa Taumata Rau
A new report on workplace culture in parliament is due before the end of the year. Will it address the systemic and structural factors that make parliament so prone to bullying?

September 27, 2022
Workplace bullying should be treated as a public health issue
It’s clear the current workplace health and safety framework isn’t stopping people from getting bullied. It’s time to treat bullying as a public health issue and address the problem more effectively.

November 24, 2021
Bullying and harassment are rife in the public service: here’s what to do about it
Gordon de Brouwer, Australian National University
New data show bullying is widespread in the public service, with many reluctant to report it. There are several key ways to change this.

June 17, 2021
Why universities must act on the rise of a new kind of bullying: incivility
Lynn Bosetti, University of British Columbia and Troy Heffernan, La Trobe University
These are challenging times for university leaders, and new research shows ‘smart bullies’ are making life even more difficult.

April 15, 2021
If bullying can happen to Christine Holgate at the highest level, then what happens to other women at work?
Nareen Young, University of Technology Sydney
Workplace bullying and harassment has many guises. Sometimes, it is gendered. Sometimes it is racist. For women of colour, it’s often both.

January 28, 2020
Is workplace rudeness on the rise?
Shannon G. Taylor, University of Central Florida
Growing alarms over a ‘rudeness epidemic’ make it seem like incivility in the workplace is on the rise. The data suggest otherwise.

January 17, 2020
Why bosses should let employees surf the web at work
Employers tend to see ‘cyberloafing’ as a waste of time, but a new study suggests it serves an important function for workers.
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Top contributors
- Kimberley Ivory Senior Lecturer, Population Medicine and Sub-dean Student Support, Sydney Medical School, University of Sydney
- Carlo Caponecchia Senior Lecturer, School of Aviation, UNSW Sydney
- Jason Walker Program Director & Associate Professor of Industrial-Organizational and Applied Health Psychology, Adler University
- Joan M. Cook Professor, Yale University
- Natalia D'Souza Senior Lecturer, School of Management, Te Kunenga ki Pūrehuroa – Massey University
- Raquel Peel Research Supervisor, University of Technology Sydney, Adjunct Senior Lecturer, University of Southern Queensland and Senior Lecturer, University of Notre Dame Australia
- Christian Thoroughgood Assistant Professor of Psychology and Human Resource Development, Villanova University
- Karen Scott Associate Professor, Sydney Medical School, University of Sydney
- Emily Moir Lecturer in Criminology and Criminal Justice, Griffith University
- Simon Burgess Lecturer in Management (Business Ethics, Professional Ethics, and Corporate Social Responsibility), University of New England
- David Bartlett Industry Fellow, Griffith University
- Jonathan Liberman Director of the McCabe Centre for Law and Cancer; Senior Fellow of the Melbourne Law School, The University of Melbourne
- Frances McGregor Senior Lecturer in Human Resource Management, University of Huddersfield
- Emma Kavanagh Associate Professor in Sport Psychology and Safe Sport, Bournemouth University
- Elizabeth Cotton Associate Professor for Responsible Business, Middlesex University